Richard Miller: This is how we dream parts one and two.
I thought Mr. Miller had put together great presentations and made many valuable points. To start he mentioned, in regards to technology that it is "the greatest change in human communication in human history." He then went into detail, that aside from cell phones which can text we can communicate instantly globally. This is the absolute truth, through modern day technology, internet and computers I could access the internet and be having a video conversation with someone in India in a matter of moments. Mr. Miller also made a comment that our workspace is our desktop and what happens on that desktop. That statement applies directly to EDM310. As a future educator I need to be able to pass along to my students all the advantages and educational possibilities via the internet. His presentation on Martin Luther King Jr. was a prime example of why we need to all be furthering our knowledge about ways of teaching technology literacy. In the short clip he showed about MLK we saw a print document, a sound document and a visual document all containing useful information. When I was in elementary school I feel like I would have been much more engaged if these types of lesson plans were presented to me.
In part 2 he showed the creative advantages to his system of teaching. He stressed that through the internet and programs we have a way to push ideas into our culture. People will be able to see what you put on the internet, give you feedback and even more knowledge. During his presentation Mr. Miller stated, "limits and restrictions are largely ones we put on ourselves." This is true and I think we need to realize this if we want to be successful in everything that we do. He also said, "technology allows us to articulate our dreams and share them with others." I have learned many things from his videos and will carry them with me into my own classroom one day.
The Chipper Series and EDm310 for Dummies
These videos were great! Not only were they creatively fun but they sent a meaningful message. What I took from these two videos was, what I put in is what I will take away. If I give my time to this class and commit to all that Dr. Strange intends for us to learn then I will be filled with new knowledge that I did not have before EDM. I will also have tools, resources and internet creativity for when I have my own classroom. A teacher does not have to sit in front of a classroom and lecture in order for a student to feel like they are learning something. In fact, I have been able to navigate the internet better than ever before. I have learned about endless resources to use while I am still a student and when I have a classroom. This class has become overwhelming for me at times, but I have recognized that this is a product of the time I have allocated to do the assignments. I am working on not procrastinating, because I know when I become a teacher I will get a little taste of my own medicine when my students are not completing their work on time.
Why Smartboards Are A Dumb Initiative by Michael Staton and Why I Hate Interactive Smartboards by Bill Ferriter
After reading these two articles I understood why these two educators may feel that way but I still am fighting to agree with everything they said in the articles. For starters, I was able to have an hour long session with a teacher for a previous EDM project and see everything smartboards are capable of. However Mrs. Stevens, the teacher who let us watch her use the smartboard was very well trained on it. She had attended sessions before she used one in her classroom so she could be familiar with it and know all the advantages. Both authors argued that smartboards are expensive, an administrative cop out and basically just a better looking white board. Mr. Ferriter even went as far to give his smartboard away. I feel these two educators may have had a premature opinion and didn't devote any time to finding out all the advantages to the smartboard. Yes they can do all the same things a computer can do but I still feel like they are an advantage in a classroom. this is a website I found with many advantages to using smartboards in a classroom!
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