Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Post #10

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life by Daniel Pink
I found this video to be very inspirational. From start to finish it had me thinking about my life and decisions I make each day. I like the idea of, "every great man is a sentence." In the video he provided great examples of men who are a specific sentence and still impact our lives today. The best part of the video was when he asked if I was better today than I was yesterday? I think that is a question I need to start asking myself everyday. It will keep me motivated and wanting to do bigger better things each day. Sometimes it is hard to answer yourself truthfully especially with a question like this, I will carry that question with me from now on. As far as my own sentance:
I will always try to do the right thing for the right reason and be a committed, devoted teacher to my students.

Tom Johnson
Don't Let Them Take The Pencils Home by Tom Johnson
This was a creative approach to the way many teachers look at things such as test scores or things that affect a students test score. Many educators are hung up on test scores for the sole reason that it is a direct reflection of their teaching abilities. However, this may not be true in all cases. When students do not preform well on tests this does not automatically mean they are not learning. They are learning all the time, it's what students do and want to do when they show up to school each day. Educators often get hung up on the problem they are experiencing in their classroom when in reality they need to be focused on the solution. Educators have the power to negatively affect a students education or they have the power to inspire and encourage students.

An Open Letter To Educators by Morgan Bayda
I must say I agree with most of the issues Ms. Bayda brought up in her letter. Especially about sitting through long lectures, trying to stay focused and take notes only to have fifteen minutes until the next lecture. Leaving me tired and with little motivation it is hard to remain focused in my second, third and sometimes fourth round of class for one day.
As for the Daniel Brown video, I thought he did a great job. I myself wouldn't drop out of school because of the issues he raised but I did agree with them. He stated that the value of information is going down and society is moving forward with less information. He also said the internet is the best thing that has happened. He is right! We have access to any information we may be seeking. His example, back in the day to get somewhere you had to buy a map, plan your route and hope you didn't get lost. Now we have mapquest, google maps etc. All we have to do is type in our starting and ending point and in a matter of seconds our route in before our eyes. Daniel Brown also asked the question, what has education done to reinvent itself? Nothing was his answer. His final statement, "the world is changing and if you don't change with it the world will decide that it doesn't need you anymore." I think this statement holds true, we need to be up to date with technology, teaching techniques and the virtual world in order to be successful.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog #9

Super teacher
What I've Learned This Year by Mr. McClung
This was my favorite assigned reading thus far. I think Mr. McClung had the perfect tone through out his post and you could tell he was a kind and patient teacher. His reflection on himself was honest and inspiring to many people. He recognized the importance of listening to your students, it is for them that we are in this profession. It may be stressful planning and teaching a lesson when worrying about if you are delivering the material the right way or what co-workers are looking on but we must keep our students as number one priority. Like Mr. McClung said, listen to them, watch their faces and really communicate with them. In his post he had stated, "In order to be effective you have to be able to let your audience drive your instruction." Who is our audience? Our students are our audience. Mr. McClung also stated to be flexible, be reasonable and never stop learning. While these are all things we may be aware of sometimes it takes hearing or reading it from another source to realize the true meaning in these words.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Instructional Timeline # 9B

Blog # 8

Richard Miller: This is how we dream parts one and two.
I thought Mr. Miller had put together great presentations and made many valuable points. To start he mentioned, in regards to technology that it is "the greatest change in human communication in human history." He then went into detail, that aside from cell phones which can text we can communicate instantly globally. This is the absolute truth, through modern day technology, internet and computers I could access the internet and be having a video conversation with someone in India in a matter of moments. Mr. Miller also made a comment that our workspace is our desktop and what happens on that desktop. That statement applies directly to EDM310. As a future educator I need to be able to pass along to my students all the advantages and educational possibilities via the internet. His presentation on Martin Luther King Jr. was a prime example of why we need to all be furthering our knowledge about ways of teaching technology literacy. In the short clip he showed about MLK we saw a print document, a sound document and a visual document all containing useful information. When I was in elementary school I feel like I would have been much more engaged if these types of lesson plans were presented to me.
In part 2 he showed the creative advantages to his system of teaching. He stressed that through the internet and programs we have a way to push ideas into our culture. People will be able to see what you put on the internet, give you feedback and even more knowledge. During his presentation Mr. Miller stated, "limits and restrictions are largely ones we put on ourselves." This is true and I think we need to realize this if we want to be successful in everything that we do. He also said, "technology allows us to articulate our dreams and share them with others." I have learned many things from his videos and will carry them with me into my own classroom one day.

The Chipper Series and EDm310 for Dummies
These videos were great! Not only were they creatively fun but they sent a meaningful message. What I took from these two videos was, what I put in is what I will take away. If I give my time to this class and commit to all that Dr. Strange intends for us to learn then I will be filled with new knowledge that I did not have before EDM. I will also have tools, resources and internet creativity for when I have my own classroom. A teacher does not have to sit in front of a classroom and lecture in order for a student to feel like they are learning something. In fact, I have been able to navigate the internet better than ever before. I have learned about endless resources to use while I am still a student and when I have a classroom. This class has become overwhelming for me at times, but I have recognized that this is a product of the time I have allocated to do the assignments. I am working on not procrastinating, because I know when I become a teacher I will get a little taste of my own medicine when my students are not completing their work on time.

Why Smartboards Are A Dumb Initiative by Michael Staton and Why I Hate Interactive Smartboards by Bill Ferriter
After reading these two articles I understood why these two educators may feel that way but I still am fighting to agree with everything they said in the articles. For starters, I was able to have an hour long session with a teacher for a previous EDM project and see everything smartboards are capable of. However Mrs. Stevens, the teacher who let us watch her use the smartboard was very well trained on it. She had attended sessions before she used one in her classroom so she could be familiar with it and know all the advantages. Both authors argued that smartboards are expensive, an administrative cop out and basically just a better looking white board. Mr. Ferriter even went as far to give his smartboard away. I feel these two educators may have had a premature opinion and didn't devote any time to finding out all the advantages to the smartboard. Yes they can do all the same things a computer can do but I still feel like they are an advantage in a classroom. this is a website I found with many advantages to using smartboards in a classroom!

1st Progress report on PLN

my symbaloo
For my PLN I have chosen to use Symbaloo. I think this is an amazing website and could be beneficial for not only students and teachers but any internet user. This site makes it so easy to navigate and get to where I need to go quickly. I have done some deleting and adding to my page trying to get it just right. I have moved icons around in a way that makes it easier for me to navigate around. So far I have added several icons to my symbaloo. I have added the South Alabama homepage, jag e-mail, my blog page for EDM, gmail, and USA online. This website will be very useful when I am a teacher. Especially if I am going to have a smartboard in my classroom. I will have to touch only one icon and be to the website in a matter of seconds. I plan on using this website after EDM and for other classes as well!

Timetoast project # 9a

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Additional Assignment # 2

Sugata Mitra
1. What do you think? If learners are motivated, can they teach themselves?
-I think being a motivated learner puts you one step ahead in the sense that you are eager and willing to learn. However I do feel that even a highly motivated learner still needs a teacher at times.

2. If those motivated learners are kids, can they teach themselves?
-I don't think a motivated young student could teach themselves everything they need to know. I think kids need teachers for support, to ask questions and to look to for guidance.

3. What conditions are necessary for kids to teach themselves? For anyone to teach him or herself?
-The environment would be the first factor. A student needs to be somewhere they can focus, a student also needs to be able to access internet and other sources if they have questions. Lastly, a kid/anybody needs to WANT to learn in order to teach themselves.

4. What role do computers and internet access play in the process?
-They play a major role in the process to a student being a motivated learner and teaching themselves. Through computers and internet access students can attain any information they desire on any given topic. This one factor alone will keep them motivated and eager to learn if they have access to something that had already interested them.

5. What role does motivation, a desire to learn?
-Being motivated keeps the mind wanting to know more about certain things. If a students motivation is fulfilled they will stay motivated.

6. What roles do a problem, a question or multiple problems or questions play in the process?
-Questions along the process I feel are normal and a good thing. If you are asking questions it is because you want answers, clarification or reassurance.

7. How do you motivate someone to learn?
-You work with them until you find what interests them. Once you(and the student) have found something they are interested in and motivated to learn about you try to feed off of that and venture out over time.

8. How are you motivated to learn?
-I am motivated to learn because I know what is at the finish line. I will have a degree and hopefully a teaching job shortly after that. Once I get a job I can continue to further my education and expand my career options.

9. Can anyone who is not motivated to learn learn?
-A person can still learn if they are not motivated, they just won't enjoy it.

10. Do you teach yourself? When? Why?
-I do teach myself. I teach myself when I am home doing homework assignments. I have taught myself when I did not understand what I was hearing in lecture. I teach myself because it is part of being in college. I also need to be aware of how to teach myself so I can help teach others in the future.

11. What role does a teacher (either answer generally or use a specific example) play in your learning?
-Teachers play a major role in my learning. I go to my teachers when I have questions, when I am confused about a topic. Teachers are there for guidance, support and to help. Which in turn aid in my learning and growing as a student.

12. What is the most important idea, question or emotional response you take away with you as a result of watching this video?
-Don't be afraid to experiment. I don't want to be a reserved and withheld teacher I want to take chances in my classroom which will hopefully lead to great educational leaps for my students. A teacher never knows if a teaching method will work unless they try.

13. What other questions or issues are raised by this video that should be considered and discussed by aspiring teachers?
-At one point in the video Sugata Mitra says, "Children will learn to do what they want to learn to do." At first I was a bit confused by this, after repeating it a few times I found myself agreeing with Mr. Mitra. Children are aware of what they want or don't want to do. However I think through great educators we can have them wanting to do more and learn more each day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog # 7

randy pausch
"The Last Lecture" By Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch is a brilliant teacher and a very inspirational person. I knew about him well before this assignment, I read his book The Last Lecture a few years ago and throughly enjoyed it. Hearing his speech however reminded me of how influential he really was and continues to be. I think he approaches teaching in a way different from most of those around him. He does not like textbooks, he does not like sitting in a classroom, he is what I would refer to as hands-on, a go-getter, innovative and fun! Teachers across the world should strive to be these things everyday. In this one hour lecture, (which is such a small glimpse of his entire career) we can clearly see how his approach brought such great happiness, determination and dedication to his students. He created bonds by thinking outside of the box. When he wanted something, he went for it and wouldn't give up until he got it. With the exception of playing in the NFL but like he said, he got more out of not accomplishing this goal. It was the fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals.

During this video he made a few statements that made me put it on pause and think for a few moments. The first which was in the start of the lecture, "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." I like this, I think there is a great deal of truth in this statement. I'm sure at times we have all not been satisfied with where we are at, how our life is going and so on. The kicker however is that we have the power to rise above and change it! Playing the victim in life is easy but it won't ever get you to where you want to be. Randy Pausch also mentioned that it is important to have specific childhood dreams. I agree with this, I always had dreams and they did change a slight bit overtime they all had the same general idea of working with children in one way or another. Which is why I am confident now that teaching is exactly what I want to do. I also think he is a bit of a rare case to have had such specific dreams, six to be exact and to accomplish five of those is truly amazing. You can clearly see he was a smart child eager and wanting to learn all he could from a very young age, which allowed him to start pursuing his dreams at an early age.

Another quote that made me stop and think was, "experience is what you get, when you didn't get what you wanted." I took this as, don't be disappointed things didn't turn out as planned, look at the bigger picture, the opportunity at hand and take the experience for what is was. Feel honored to have had any experience at all, others may not have been as lucky. One of the things I think I like most about Randy Pausch is the way he approaches a problem. He stays clam, there has to be a way to fix it, make it better and overcome it. I will try and carry this with me when I become a teacher. Nothing is impossible for him and his students and his enthusiasm has a waterfall effect down into the eager mind of his students.

Another thing I will keep with me after watching this video was when he asked the question (talking to the audience/me) "how can I enable the childhood dreams of others?" As a future educator I think that puts me in a pretty good place to be a positive enabler. I hope that I will have the right words and actions to allow my students to dream big and work hard to accomplish their goals. Another statement he made, that teachers don't always know how high "the bar" should be set for their students. He said this after realizing his students did an extreme amount of work in a short amount of time with unbelievable results on a certain project. We must push our students, make them work and see their sense of pride and accomplishment once they see a finished product.

Near the end of the video he sang to his wife which was very touching. He also recapped and said; never lose the childlike wonder, help others, never give up, show gratitude, don't complain just work harder and be good at something it makes you valuable. Truer words are hard to come across. Randy Pausch is a teacher that I find to be one of the most influential I have heard and read about. I hope that I can have as much passion and enthusiasm for my students as he did for his.

Summary Post C4T- Teacher #2

I was assigned to the blog Concrete Classroom taught to elementary students by Michael Kaechele for C4T #2. I enjoyed his blog, I liked the way he had his blog set up and the way he experimented with new techniques in his classroom on a regular basis. My first comment to him was regarding his early morning readings, which his students do every morning for one hour. This year he had taken a new approach. He refers to it as GRAB- Grad a book and read (He has a box of thirty books covering a variety of topics). The difference this year however is that he has now introduced his students to online reading, giving them more options. In his blog he mentioned he had set bookmarks up for his students, was using diigo and a few other sources. What he was looking for was some feedback. His question was, "Do you think this is an effective way to increase reading fluency?"

My response was yes! I think by letting the children onto the virtual side of reading they can access so much more. They can find just about any topic they are interested in through the internet and have it on the screen in a few short seconds. More often than not students lose interest in reading, if their only options of what to read is coming from a box of pre-picked books that may quicken this process for some students. The only stipulation I felt, which he also mentioned, was that while he was looking around some students were reading on web-sites such as ESPN. He made a statement, which I agreed with that at least they are reading! I suggested that he could allocate the students a certain amount of time to cruise the internet for reading on web-sites such as ESPN and then they could possibly switch over to the teachers choice of places to read from. The students could also suggest places they want to read from and the teacher could check them out and approve them.

I did get a response from Mr. Kaechele who thanked me for my comment and commented on my post about podcasting. He also asked if I was student teaching yet. When I responded back he had mentioned that he had done some podcasting in his classroom it ended up being a lot of wok on his end trying to get everything set up, put together and sounding right. I imagine so, but I think podcasting may take some getting used to, or at least from my experience.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Assignment # 6

The Network Student
The Network Student by Wendy Drexler
In the start of the video I was introduced to a word that I was unfamiliar with, connectivism. Connectivism is the tools themselves are not as important as the connections made possible by them. The video also showed examples of how effective and useful iTunes can be for students. Through iTunes students could access lectures from anywhere. Even lectures from Ivy League colleges! I found it interesting how they described what a teacher is there for. A teacher to his or her students is there for; guidence, information, the teacher is a modeler, helps her students stay organized and feeds them information. Education is rapidly changing and future teachers need to be prepared to teach in ways different than they were once taught to.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environmental Plan
I was highly imnpressed with this video, the seventh grader who put this together was not only a well educated student but she enjoyed how she was being educated. She was very creative and eager to learn through these different types of technology available on the internet. She created bookmarks, blogs and presentations to name a few things. She could skpy with teachers and email scientists for example to ask questions. I think this style of learning is great and would keep students engaged and wanting more out of their education versus sitting in a classroom and staring at a white board.

Machine is Changing Us
The Machine is Changing Us
This video also made some very valid points that I agreed with. I enjoyed Dr. Wesch's delivery of the video and the way he inserted clips from TV shows and other sites. Our culture changes along with technology advancing more and more each day, week, month and year. I think he also took on a creative approach when he used the word whatever throughout the video. His final message was powerful as well when he stated, "Let's do whatever it takes by whatever means necessary." As a future educator this quote needs to be in my mind at all times and applied to my students.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Podcast Video

Smartboards, Useful or Wasteful? A Debate.

Grour Harrison: Courtney Bellais, Lola Solano, Ellie Irish-Jones

C4K Summary Post Comments 1 & 2

During the first comments for kids assignment I was paired with a 13 year old student named David. I first read his "About me" post. I enjoyed this, I found many things we had in common. He has multiple siblings. He has four brothers and a sister, I have three brothers. He is very close to his family much like I am. He also mentioned he had cats as pets, which I do as well. David also went on to say that he did not enjoy homework and that was one of his weaknesses as being a student. I was impressed that he not only admitted this but recognized his problem and wanted to make changes.
I also read and commented on his learning manifesto. David was very honest in his manifesto. A few of the things he wanted to work on and change from the previous year were; doing his assignments on time, waking up/getting to school on time, paying attention in class and making good grades so he will not be grounded by his parents. I commented and left him some encouraging words. He had set some great goals for himself that were within reason and reachable if he applied himself like he had set out to do. I think judging from David's blog and some of his others posts he is going to have an improved and successful school year!

Podcast Project # 8

Harrison Group Courtney Bellais, Ellie Irish-Jones and Lola Solano

Group Members: Ellie Irish-Jones, Courtney Bellais, Lola Solano

Topic: Smartboards, Useful or wasteful? A debate.