Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Post # 5

eagle's nest blog
Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog:
What a great class blog! I was very impressed when I listened to "Roamin' with the Ancient Romans." The picture along with the podcast also made it look like these third graders had a great time creating this podcast. Not only was the podcast full of facts, many voices and creativity but I felt that the students were all very excited to have their voice recorded and put onto a blog. Through podcasts and blogging these students are engaging in multiple learning styles. This is a great thing for teachers to do, I feel, because the students have the option to access the podcast and information at home for review. Or to even show their family how creative and innovative they are being at school!

Joe Dale
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom by Joe Dale:
This video was very persuasive to anyone who may not be in favor of podcasting. Along with the video was a list of reasons teachers should podcast. Here are a few of the reasons I agreed with from both video and list; podcasting is an effective way of interacting with students outside of the classroom, students can act out lessons and podcasting allows for creativity and innovation. Mentioned in the video, these students are considered Millenials (born after 1980) meaning they have never known life without personal computers, television, email. Technology in general. I think through podcasting we can feed these already technologically advanced minds and allow them to blossom even further especially on the creative side. I also think the advantage of podcasting and blogging for a student who is home sick from school is just about reason enough in itself. This could eliminate the student coming back to school after being gone, wondering what was covered, how much he/she missed and what homework was assigned.

Judy Scharf
Podcast Collection by Judy Scharf
This was a very helpful site, that I know I would use if I were already a professional looking to bring podcasting into my classroom. Her tips to success, step-by-step and her videos could allow the technologically illiterate to bring podcasting into the classroom. Watching the video of how to podcast was so detailed and virtually impossible not to understand. Over 100,000 people have watched that video of "How to Podcast" which to me means, it is entering more and more classrooms allowing more students to learn in new and improved ways!


  1. We made some podcasts in my classroom last year. The students had fun with them, but they were a lot of work on my end to make sure that they were prepared and that all of the equipment is set up properly. Are you currently student teaching? Do you plan to try podcasting?

  2. I look forward to your being a podcasting teacher. Do you know who concretekax is? He posted a comment on your blog just above this one. Do you know how to find out? Click on his name and you will find his Google profile. Find his blog. Leave him a comment. Let me know when you do. How do you think he might have found your blog?

  3. Hello Ellie, I think your post on podcasting was great! Much like you I agree that it will be very essential in and out of classrooms today, because as you mentioned about Mr. Joe Dale, kids that are born after 1980 know nothing but technology and it continues to grow everyday, so why not help a kid expand their thought process with a skill that they are used to and will become even more useful as time goes by!

  4. I would also like to add that even though my first time ever doing a podcast was for Dr. Strange, I can really see me experiencing with them a lot more so that when it's time, I'll be able to get my kids involved with different types of learning.

  5. Concretekax,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog! I recently just did my first podcast, I can see how it was a lot of work on your end especially working with children. I am not currently student teaching. After creating the podcast I realized how beneficial it could be in my future classroom. I do plan on using podcast to my advantage and my students advantage!

  6. Dr. Strange,
    I am not sure how concretelax found my blog. Perhaps he had seen a comment I made somewhere along the way and clicked on my link. I did click on his name and cruised around his site which I enjoyed!
